Instructions for Authors


Researchers and engineers of all technology and engineering management disciplines to submit their original manuscripts TEMS-ISIE. We welcome submissions from industries and across academic fields including but not limited to engineering, management, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Paper Submission

Authors submit papers on EDAS paper processing system at the link  Note that every author must have an EDAS account. It only requires an email address and there is no cost, anyone can sign up at htto://   All submitted papers for review are full papers, not abstracts.

You will be notified if your paper is accepted. Once accepted please check the final version with  PDF eXpress Plus account 43604XP (web This tool will check possible formatting errors for Xplore.  (if you have not used PDF eXpress before start with the New User click).

All authors are advised to be familiar with IEEE guidelines before submitting their manuscript, including the IEEE Policy on Plagiarism and on Double Submission. The Technical Program Committee will verify the originality of submitted manuscripts by using CrossCheck, which is an antiplagiarism software, comparing submitted papers with previously published work worldwide. Manuscripts that violate IEEE’s publication principles will be immediately rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, then disciplinary actions may also be taken by IEEE.

Paper Format, Length, Template

Submitted manuscripts for IEEE TEMS-ISIE 2018 should be in PDF, US Letter (8.5 x 11 inches) double column format with a maximum length of eight (8) pages including figures and references. Up to two (2) extra pages are permissible with an additional fee paid at registration time. At least one author must register with payment of a regular (no student) registration fee.  Total file size for each submission cannot exceed 10 MB.  There is a maximum of 2 papers per author.

The formats and templates information is the standard conference template on the IEEE web at

Each author listed on page one of the manuscript is encouraged, also, to add a brief 100 word biography about themselves at the end of the manuscript, following the References section.  Submissions can be in PDF or LaTeX.  The PDF format can be created from a word processor such as MS Word. The open source editor LyX is suggested for best LaTeX quality with the minimum editing effort thanks to its very easy and effective visual interface. Stunning graphics can be obtained using Inkscape, an open source Scalable Vector Graphics software.  Authors must submit a draft version of their paper for review before the due submission deadline (see “Important dates”). In order to avoid potential problems during last few days before a deadline, all Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers well in advance.

IEEE is very strict about the requirements for PDF files for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, but formal control is needed only during final submission of accepted papers; therefore, IEEE PDF eXpress® service is not available for draft version of papers, but will be in place for use for the final submission of papers.   Please use the template noted above to create your paper, without modifying style and/or format.


Accepted papers that are copyrighted to IEEE and presented at the conference by at least one of the authors will be will be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, once it meets the requirements of an IEEE quality review.  Authors must sign the IEEE copyright form.